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"DAVID MIERS is reported to be in the top 10 cage fighters in Gosford. He has some serious dish washing skills and thinks that Elizabeth Bennet is hot. Although he thinks that his wife Rowena is hotter. David works in youth ministry for a great church. Likes to: speak in third person, watch and play soccer, eat food and surf the web. He has never watched Star Wars."

best. wife. ever. Friday, November 30, 2007 |

her name is row.

Psalms, Party |

Yo nitechurch peeps. Just a reminder that we have a partay tomoz. Let the good times roll from 3-9pm @ the pjs. Also we begin a mini-series in the Psalms this Sunday night. Get some reading notes to prepare from the new(ish) website.

G-Champs & Cabinet Thursday, November 29, 2007 |

Lots of political news today with the Liberal leadership being voted on and team KRudd being announced.

Just thinking about the similarities between a Ministry Cabinet and our G-Champs.

A cabinet member of the government has their portfolio (education, industrial relations, immigration, arts, etc...) but continues in the core of their work in representing the people of their electorate.

A G-Champ in our youth ministry champions one of the purpose areas (glorify, gather, grow, give, gospel, gladness) but more often than not continues in their core work of coaching a G-team (small group Bible study).

The differences?

Politics is important. In the eyes of the world it may not seem it - but in the big picture of eternity our g-champs (and g-team coaches) are doing a far more profound work than all of team KRudd combined.

Best thing about summer... |

...eating a mango over the kitchen sink.


Blog Watch #1 |

YMC07 #8 - Youth Ministry Conference 07 |

On the whole, Youthworks run a very good conference. The cross of Christ was preached and there are many encouraging things going on around Sydney evangelical youth ministries.

There was some great content from the Bible on leadership. I would have been interested in hearing something of some reflections on secular leadership and the lessons we can learn from business organisations. There were some specific isolated comments from one speaker who is not a fan of transplanting business principles into the church. I disagree with him, but there wasn't really a forum to talk it through.

The workshops are sometimes not as well prepared and presented as the talks. This is disappointing. I think for the conference to keep growing the quality of the workshops must continue to improve.

Having said that, I plan on continuing to attend. For me the best part of the conference is the breaks. I enjoy catching up with new and old friends to talk about youth ministry. It's a great encouragement and worth the cost of the conference alone.

Did you go to the conference? Would love to hear your comments...

YMC07 Blog Summary:

YMC07 #7 - All Mankind Wednesday, November 28, 2007 |

The band formerly known as The Richard Beeston Band, All Mankind, played the congregation music at the conference.

It was very good. Tight, rock, well-arranged, good song selection.

There was one funny song that was played a couple of times. Can't remember it, didn't know it, it was something from 1999. The lyrics spoke of lifting your hands and dancing to God. The lyrics in and of themselves were kind of funny, but the funniest thing was the fact that there was not one person lifting their hands or dancing!!

ALL MANKIND have some exciting plans for 2008. Check their website for info or to book them. Not sure if they're the best band for teenagers - but for young adults and up - they nail it.

YMC07 Blog: #1 - Leadership;#2 - Get yourself a mouthguard, #3 - Get into shape, #4 - Veteran Forum, #5 - Dinner, #6 - Woodhouse & French.

YMC07 #6 - Woodhouse & French |

John Woodhouse and Jim French were the two speakers on Tuesday.

Woodhouse spoken on leadership from 1 Samuel 24. He argued that the whole of 1 Samuel is about leadership. From the Judges to Eli to Samuel to Saul to David. There were helpful insights on the contrast between the people's King (Saul) and the Lord's Anointed King (David). The take home application of 1 Samuel, and indeed the whole Bible, is that first and foremost we are not to look for what type of leader we are to be, but what type of leader we need. Jesus is the leader that Israel needed. Jesus is the leader I need. Amen.

French spoke on 2 Timothy 4:1-8. Here's the structure of the talk:
  • The Youth you lead belong to God
  • 1) The seriousness of leading (v1)
  • 2) The nature of the leadership (vv2-5)
  • 3) How to finish leading strongly (vv6-8)
  • What legacy will you leave?
Some good stuff. Good to think through implicit and explicit training. Good to think through the relationship between Paul and Timothy. Fantastic reminder of the sovereignty of God in our ministry.

YMC07 Blog: #1 - Leadership;#2 - Get yourself a mouthguard, #3 - Get into shape, #4 - Veteran Forum, #5 - Dinner.

YMC07 #5 - Dinner Tuesday, November 27, 2007 |

Over the last 3 years at this conference, I haven't ever made it along to the dinner on the first night. That trend continued again this year!

But. Row came down and we hung out with one of Row's school friends and her fiancé. Good times: Good (Vietnamese) food. Good fun. Great conversations.

YMC07 Blog: #1 - Leadership;#2 - Get yourself a mouthguard, #3 - Get into shape, #4 - Veteran Forum.

YMC07 #4 - Veteran Forum Monday, November 26, 2007 |

"An opportunity to talk about ministry life or the big picture of where youth ministry is going in Australia - it's up to you."

That is what was written on the brochure... so I spent a good chunk of time on the train in the morning writing down thoughts and reflections on Australian Youth Ministry and dreaming.


While what we talked about was helpful: how to work with a senior minister; staying fresh for the long haul; getting accountable and similar things, it wasn't quite what I was expecting. Still good, just not talking about the big picture of youth ministry. I might turn my couple of pages of reflections on the train into a blog post... so stay tuned.

YMC07 Blog: #1 - Leadership;#2 - Get yourself a mouthguard, #3 - Get into shape.

YMC07 #3 - Get into shape |

Steve's second talk was from 2 Timothy 3:1-17. Another engaging and scripture-rich talk.

INTRO - Steve told a funny story about meeting Goran Ivanišević 3 times. As a result Steve was influenced by Goran to play tennis. We are all influenced by something...

1A) LEADERS SHAPED BY SELF (2 Tim 3:2-5) these people who are lovers of themselves instead of lovers of God aren't just some randoms. They are actually people who appear to be Christian leaders.

1B) THE EXAMPLE OF LEADERS SHAPED BY SELF (2 Tim 3:6-9) these are fake leaders with a fake gospel. They gain control over weak-willed women and, like Jannes and Jambres, they oppose the truth.

2A) THE EXAMPLE OF PAUL (2 Tim 3:10-15) Paul is a great example to Timothy and us. Being an example: a great way to learn; and a great way to teach.

2B) LEADERS SHAPED BY SCRIPTURE (2 Tim 3:14-17) There's nothing more important than having our lives shaped by the scriptures. The scriptures: make us wise for salvation; are breathed out by God; and are useful.

We were challenged to reflect on what influences us... the world or the scriptures?

YMC07 Blog: #1 - Leadership;#2 - Get yourself a mouthguard.

YMC07 #2 - Get yourself a mouthguard |

In the first session today, Steve Chong spoke passionately from 2 Timothy 2:1-14. Awesome! We've been dealing with some big things lately so it was a timely message that brought me great encouragement.

INTRO - Steve began by making it clear that Christian leadership is hard. The Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ himself each had a tough time and it shouldn't shock us if our ministry is a bit like theirs!

1) LEADERS NEED STRENGTH (2 Tim 2:1) - this strength comes not from ourselves but it's the strength that Jesus gives by his grace. We aren't just saved by grace but we depend on grace for our ministry.

2) LEADERS WORK HARD (2 Tim 2:3-7) - Soldier. Athlete. Farmer. They all work hard. They all lead from the front. Lately I've been tempted to give up and so I was particularly struck by the image of the Athlete who finishes the race. (Note to self: keep eyes fixed on the finish line. Continue in single-minded devotion).

3) LEADERS REMEMBER JESUS (2 Tim 2:8-14) - Wow. How good is verse 8: "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel"! It's easy to get so busy that we forget the big picture. Remember Jesus. Having a tough time? Remember Jesus.

YMC07 Blog: #1 - Leadership.

YMC07 #1 - Leadership |

I'm attending a youth ministry conference run by youthworks this week at moore college, newtown. My prediction (and hope and prayer) is that it will be more cross-centred than the conference on the Gold Coast a month ago.

I've really enjoyed this conference over the past 3 years. This year the theme is on Leadership. Bring it on...

New J-walk & Podcast Saturday, November 24, 2007 |

Yep. Check them out. Here and here.

j-walk.ccecyouth.com or podcast.ccecyouth.com

Commuting with Christ Thursday, November 22, 2007 |

Joel PJ is blogging!! Fully sick. I think I'm the one who pushed Joel to blog. He keeps sending me links all day and each time he sent one I'd say "You really should start a blog Joel..."

His first post is sweet. It's about sharing Jesus with some nutty woman handing out KEVIN07 while waiting for a train. Good stuff.

Definitely worthy of subscribing.

Looking forward to more...

Freedom |

Hayesy has 2 types of it

It's ALL about JESUS |

Tripod - Gonna Make You Happy |

Above is a live version. Here is the film clip version.

Giddy up Wednesday, November 21, 2007 |


Party Inheritance |

Only three more sleeps until the election. Awesome! When election time comes we normally get booted out of our hall for youth group so that they can set up the polling booth. During term 1's state election we ran junior youth group in the school's canteen area. Had a dodgeball tournament - fully sick! So hopefully this election day eve will be as fun.

On our junior youth camp on the weekend, I heard more political discussion from junior high than I ever have before! Quite remarkable... you should have seen the food fight across the tent between Team Kevin and Team John! I made a claim that when you're a teenager you're political views are not your own by inherited from your parents.

I was interested to read today an article in the SMH all about Party Inheritance. According to an ANU study 70% of young people align themselves to the party of their parents.

I have been voting for 10 years in local, state and federal elections. I still vote with my parents... but that vote is increasingly becoming my own. I've claimed for a long time that I'd be willing to swing, I just haven't yet! Even if my political views are now my own, I think it's difficult to separate my views from the views of my parents that have shaped my upbringing.

How much are you still shaped by the political views of your parents?

  • Howard007
  • Michelle is asking some questions on "Christian" political parties.
  • This site looks helpful - but is a waste of time. It's slow and crashes. And I don't think the candidates have really jumped on board (at least in my electorate)

Video Conversion |

Haven't check it out yet, but THIS could be handy... (h/t tim)

Fake tree with bright lights |

The Rebel's Guide to Joy - Johnny Cash Sunday, November 18, 2007 |

Row and Dave Friday, November 16, 2007 |

Went and saw Nicole's final artwork for uni last night. Good times in Newcastle.

>New post on saturdayEV.com
>Camps this weekend
>Free Rice

2 Warm fuzzies for the name of the cafe and the street it's on.

Justin Buzzard on Rob Bell Thursday, November 15, 2007 |

Rob Bell, the gods aren't angry tour: San Francisco (Some Reflections & Concerns)

I just read Buzzard's thoughtful critique of Rob Bell's latest tour. If you are familiar with Bell's popular nooma videos, it would be helpful to read it to get a better idea of Bell's 'gospel'. I haven't heard Bell live, but having listened to some of his sermons and having read Velvet Elvis, agree with Buzzard's concerns. Buzzard provides a timely reminder of the good news of Jesus' death for our sins, absorbing the anger of God. "I'm a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior." (John Newton)

Walt Mueller on engaging with youth culture |

Why I Don't Live in the Bunker: Reflections on the Youth Worker's Place in Culture (I haven't read this - just bookmarking to read later)

saturday EV's youth ministry Wednesday, November 14, 2007 |

I'm guest blogging on saturdayEV.com for the next couple of weeks. In my first post I talk about saturdayEV's youth ministry. Check out some of their sermons while you're there. Peaceout.

Note to self: learn Greek Tuesday, November 13, 2007 |

Yesterday I shared one of my super-powers . My aim is to not use it when it comes to learning Greek. Therefore... I need to start learning more Greek NOW! Not in 3 months time.

The Resurgence have just relaunched a sweet Greek-Bible tool. Check out RE:GREEK. It looks pretty good. Anyone used it much yet?

The Dead-Line Driven Life Monday, November 12, 2007 |

Adrenalin? Stupidity? Laziness? Faithlessness? Procrastination? I'm not sure what it is, but I work best when I seriously push deadlines. Like seriously. It's definitely one of my super-powers. While it is a good skill, I'm keen to move away from having to draw on this super-power of mine all the time! It's important: for the sake of my family, for others who rely on me; and for godly discipline.

Got any crazy dead-lines stories?
One warm fuzzy for the location of this fireworks shot from the weekend...

Youthworks Conference 2007 Friday, November 09, 2007 |

Just noticed that rego for the Youthworks YOUTH MINISTRY CONFERENCE 07 closes next Wednesday (Nov 14). I've been to this conference for the past 3 years and it's a great conference to be equipped, encouraged, enthused, excited and other 'e' words for youth ministry.

Speakers: Steve Chong, Jim French, John Woodhouse and Kel Willis.

Workshops & Forums:
Jodie McNeill, Trinette Armitt, Jon Thorpe, Josie McSkimming, James Fong, Andy Stevenson, Andrew Thorburn, Richard Beeston, Steve Jeffrey, Stu Crawshaw and Bruce Hocking.

Monday November 26 & Tuesday November 27 AD2007
@ Moore College, 1 King St, Newtown
$115 or $60 per day (includes all meals)

You can register online - but that doesn't seem to be working at the moment.
I've got a bunch of rego forms for any CCEC peeps. (Or download pdf)

Bakehouse Cafe Wednesday, November 07, 2007 |

Yo CCECNITECHURCH peeps and friends. Got an sms from Mike today. From this Sunday we'll be able to go to the Bakehouse Cafe (in Fountain Plaza) after church. From 830pm. Coffee and cake available. See you there!

Hypocrisy |

Eruv. Australian ones are here...

The Catalytic Cross Tuesday, November 06, 2007 |

If you followed my commentary on NYMC07 you'd have seen that I concluded that "Australian Youth Ministry needs leaders who will preach Christ Crucified to a dying generation." Over the weekend Greg Stier spoke at a similar conference in the US about the need to preach Christ crucified. Check out his talk summary. Marko didn't agree with the talk (last paragraph). Schmoyer did. I'm with Stier and Schmoyer on this one.

Vision 4000 Monday, November 05, 2007 |

The Double Break It Up Down Crawl Sunday, November 04, 2007 |

Friday night was Double break it up down. It was a big night! Dan and I did a crawl of the 9 different events run on the night. Exhausting, but fun. At each venue we recorded a Podcast. They only go for a couple of minutes each. Check them out below:

SMBC Principal's Message Friday, November 02, 2007 |

Ads sent me this today:
i was just having a flick through the principal’s message archive on the smbc website & was heaps encouraged. if you get a spare second today, fire it up, have a read, and be encouraged. how solid is our God!
Check it out here

November is... Thursday, November 01, 2007 |

...AUSMUSIC month on triple j. They're currently launching the month live from the triple j rooftop and streaming video of it on the net. Each year they showcase the next crop of aussie musos. Lots of free and legal downloads. Check it out as they add more over the month.

Gotye is about to come on... giddy up.