Youth Ministry: loving God and teenagers
I love youth ministry. There are two key elements to youth ministry. God. Teenagers. Loving youth ministry involves loving teenagers (the 'youth' bit) and loving God (the 'ministry' bit). I love teenagers. I love God.
It's my hope that this blog would include some of my insights and experiences of youth ministry as well as comments from others with a love for God and teenagers.
A CALL: If you know of any bloggers who are involved in youth ministry and/or keen to talk about it - send them my way!!! I'm particularly keen for those in the Australian context... but not exclusively.
I will keep updating this when new ones come
It's my hope that this blog would include some of my insights and experiences of youth ministry as well as comments from others with a love for God and teenagers.

I will keep updating this when new ones come
- 06FEB07 Youth Ministry: Leaders fighting Lust
- 15JAN07 Youth Ministry: Summerfest 2007
- 22DEC06 Youth Ministry: 12 days until Christmas
- 20DEC06 Youth Ministry: Web Re-launch
- 29NOV06 Youth Ministry: Wedding Podcast
- 28NOV06 Youth Ministry: The Real Thing blog
- 22NOV06 Youth Ministry: Emo Evangelism II
- 16NOV06 Youth Ministry: Emo Evangelism
- 06NOV06 Youth Ministry: ccecyouth youtube news 2
- 31OCT06 Youth Ministry: Happy Reformation Day Podcast
- 31OCT06 Youth Ministry: New Blog - The Youth Vanguard
- 30OCT06 Youth Ministry: YouTube and MySpace
- 24OCT06 Youth Ministry: Halloween and Reformation Day
- 19OCT06 Youth Ministry: What not to do
- 18OCT06 Youth Ministry: Preaching
- 26SEP06 Youth Ministry: Online Lectures
- 14SEP06 coast youth REVOLUTION
- 13SEP06 Church Staffing: Lawn mowing principle
- 06SEP06 School Ministry: people tried to get Jesus stoned
- 04SEP06 John Piper: A Challenge to Young People
- 31AUG06 Youth Ministry: Don't drag dead possums
- 28AUG06 Church Planting: GO or STAY
- 21AUG06 Surprise party, RICE & Mariners
- 18AUG06 New Website
- 15AUG06 Youth Ministry: MySpace
- 10AUG06 Youth Ministry: Sex Talks
- 02JUN06 False Community
- 17MAY06 Emerging Church
- 08MAY06 Is Jesus 'da bomb'!??
Friday, October 13, 2006 10:34:00 am
Have you listened to the second online lecture yet? I had a listen this week, and am going to post about it soon. But I'm not sure I agree with his take on the homogeneous unit principle. I don't see why youth have to necesarily meet with non youth in order to have unity with them. In my mind they have unity through being united to Christ regardless of whether they meet with non-youth, or not. top
Friday, October 13, 2006 10:36:00 am
is that the 'because youth ministry is a calling' one??? top
Friday, October 13, 2006 1:53:00 pm
yeah that's the one. I didn't mind the calling bit. top
Friday, October 13, 2006 2:11:00 pm
i wasn't drawing attention to the calling bit... just that's what the title of the lecture was called.
i think i need to listen again and not do other things while listening... but actually take notes... and then i could eassily post the notes... good thinking dave!
on the homogeneous thing... i will need to listen again... but i without thinking about the idea of unity in the Bible... there are pragmatic reasons why it's important to have them in hooked in with a bigger picture. the problem with para-church movements in the 80-90s (and now too I guess) is that they were isolated from the rest of the body. so when they graduated from the program they graduated from Christianity as well!
i'm aware that we need to work even harder to make sure our yr7-9s are hooked in with morning church and families and that yr10-12s are hooked in with nite church so that it's not a hard transition upon leaving school.
anyway... i will need to listen to the talk again.
peaceout top
Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:03:00 am
came across your blog and had to say its refreshing to see the things you've written. Keep yup the good work! top