Crown Him With Many Crowns

A few people (non-CCEC) have mentioned that they wanted to hear it - but it hasn't ever been recorded. So... last night I made a bootleg!! I simply used an mp3 player and sat it on the chair. It was probably a bit close to the front so it distorted a little bit - but it's not too bad. Dan normally plays guitar and leads this song - but he didn't last night. So it's not as tight as normal.
Here's the link again. Let me know what you think...
For other congregational music recorded properly by our church go to
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:40:00 am
Great. Thanks for posting it for this non-CCEC person who had mentioned he wanted to hear it! I can't listen to it at work I don't think but will listen later.
Great choice of photo! top
Monday, February 19, 2007 12:47:00 pm
I like it :) Thanks for posting it up... top
Monday, February 19, 2007 5:06:00 pm
good song... doesn't have the same lyrics as the Crown him with many crowns that i know... but maybe i just didn't recognise it at all. Bit hard to make out the words... perhaps you could post the words Dave??? Good on you Dan! I think you should give Dave a badge for being your no.1 groupie. 2 posts in the space of a week. top
Monday, February 19, 2007 5:53:00 pm
It isn't as long as the original. There are less verses.
Crown him with Many Crowns
Crown him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon the throne;
Hear how the heavenly anthem drowns
All music but its own
Awake my soul and sing
Of him who died for me
And hail him as my matchless king
Through all eternity
Crown him the Lord of Life
Who triumphed over the grave
And rose victorious in the strife
For those he came to save
His glories now we sing
Who died and rose on high
Who died – eternal life to bring
And lives that death may die
That death may die.
And we cry Great is our King
And we cry great is our King
Crown him the Lord of love,
Behold his hands, his side.
Those wounds yet visible above,
In beauty glorified
All hail, Redeemer, hail!
For thou has died for me
Thy praise and glory shall not fail
Throughout eternity
And we cry Great is our King
And we cry great is our King
And we cry Great is our King
And we cry great is our King top
Monday, February 19, 2007 5:54:00 pm
Good on you Dan! I think you should give Dave a badge for being your no.1 groupie. 2 posts in the space of a week.
I'm a fan - and a groupie!!
I might even try to get dan to play a live song on the poddy when we record it tomorrow!!
And by the way - the 2 posts were over 2 weeks... not one... top
Monday, February 19, 2007 10:15:00 pm
oops... i must of read the other one late! I will listen to the song agin wit the words... but great tune! top
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:37:00 pm
It's growing on me! I really like how the music lifts up in the second stanza of each verse.
Has he written out the chords and/or melody?
What's the copyright situation if I want to use it in church - should I should send a cheque in the mail to Dan? Has he got it covered by the CCLI license? top
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:27:00 am
chords - definitely.
melody - probably not
ccli - most songs (i'm guessing this) start in a congregation somewhere. before they are given all those copyrights etc... they are given a test run - i guess this post is a view into that test run!
maybe check with dan as he's the copyright owner... i think it ought to go on our next album - if it does it will get a ccli # then.
the only cheques ought to be sent to me... I'll pass it on... top