Youth Ministry: Crazy Answers # 1

What's that mean?? It may have some truth in it based on how history and culture has worked itself out over the past 2000 years, but is there any theological basis? I don't think so. The world would look different... but I think they've misunderstood something of what Jesus' death achieves.
Funnily enough there was one boy today who wrote the above answer almost verbatim!!!
Have you ever heard this response?
How do you respond to it?
Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:35:00 pm
I've always thought that by this they meant "if Jesus didn't die, then there wouldn't be a church/RE lesson/youth group/...".
So on one hand it shows an understanding of 1 Cor 15 and the place that Jesus, his death and resurrection hold in Christianity, but on the other hand I reckon the kid is just trying to be smart.
Maybe in that situation I'd acknowledge the correctness of that answer, but encourage the person to think on other ways that Jesus' death effects them as an individual. top
Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:09:00 pm
I can't say that I have heard that answer before - but to me it shows that kids are focussed on the 'here and now'. They think in terms of how certain things affect their immediate situation, but have little consideration of eternal consequences. I would counter with something along the lines of "where would/will you be down the track (ie eternity) without Jesus' death and resurrection?" top
Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:47:00 pm
I've always thought that by this they meant "if Jesus didn't die, then there wouldn't be a church/RE lesson/youth group/...".
i've asked a follow up q b4 to see what they mean... normally they have meant - "we wouldn't be alive"!!
but good response nonetheless...
you haven't blogged for a while!!
hope that things are going well at uni church. r u planning on going to college next year??
just had a look at your flickr pics - there's some great shots in there. top
Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:49:00 pm
thanks for the comments CJ.
i wonder if they are maybe misunderstanding Jesus death to save us from death?? maybe they're thinking they're saved from physical death here and now??? if so it won't take them long to realise that that's not what it's referring to... top
Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:50:00 pm
maybe it';s just that their brains haven't yet developed properly... i've never heard it from a 15+ teen...
??? top
Friday, March 16, 2007 8:38:00 am
Maybe we hear answers like this because children are taught Bible stories, but not the theology that goes along with them. And then when we do teach theology, it's distorted by well-intentioned Sunday school teachers. Like, "Invite Jesus into your heart." I still have no idea what that means. top
Friday, March 16, 2007 8:51:00 am
Like, "Invite Jesus into your heart." I still have no idea what that means.
I AGREE!!! what is that?!!
thanks for commenting tim... had a quick look at your blog... looks good... you're using the same template as our youth group site!!
peaceout top
Saturday, March 17, 2007 3:15:00 am
lol! I wanna ditch my template so bad. I really want something that's unique, but I really DON'T want to put the time and energy into converting to a new look. I customize my templates so much for plugins and such that it's pain to switch. Maybe one day... or maybe not. *shrugs* top
Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:28:00 pm
hey dave,
just a thought
*Like, "Invite Jesus into your heart."*
maybe it means that, Jesus won't push himself, or force us to believe in Him and that by believing in Him without being pressured into it we have actually invited Him into our hearts. we invite Him by loving him and trusting in Him.
just athought, lol, might not make any sense but meh.
cool blog by the way top