Prayer Firday #31 + Iraq + Jesus

But seeing how much the success of the Iraqi football team means to the citizens of the Iraq speaks volumes for the game, and for the power of sport to unite. Perhaps the unity might only be short-lived, and may not last long after the final whistle is blown, but isn't it at least a welcome relief from the daily strife and struggle? What do you think? Can sport, especially football, unite a country? (from smh)Yes. I think it can. But it can only ever be short lived. God is the only one that can bring real unity and real change. Sport might be a good tool for humanity - but Jesus is the one that can bring two warring parties together. In Jesus Jew and Gentile can together be reconciled to God. See Ephesians 2:11-22
- Pray for Iraq. Pray that the Nation would be gripped by Jesus. Not the American Jesus - but the Jesus of Ephesians 2.
- Thank God for ccecyouth. Kicked off well.
- Jazz night. Tomorrow. Going to be fun. Good bridge-builder.