Ian Powell on ABC radio
Ian Powell the senior minister of St Barney's Broadway spoke this morning on ABC radio about fire that burnt down the building this morning. It was great! He was able to express that it was disappointing... but that church is not about buildings - it's about people. He spoke about God's sovereignty and how the church would be able to kick on. And he also had the opportunity to speak about how Arthur Stace became a Christian there all those years ago. Hopefully this will be a good gospel opportunity.

By the way... the sign if you know anything about it... is still intact!

By the way... the sign if you know anything about it... is still intact!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:16:00 am
looks like barneys are getting along okay
http://www.sydneyanglicans.net/sydneystories/business_as_usual_for_barneys/ top
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:43:00 pm
I haven't been to Barneys for a few years. It's a shame that it's gone - yet it has been great to read of how the parishners have responded. Praise the Lord. top