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"DAVID MIERS is reported to be in the top 10 cage fighters in Gosford. He has some serious dish washing skills and thinks that Elizabeth Bennet is hot. Although he thinks that his wife Rowena is hotter. David works in youth ministry for a great church. Likes to: speak in third person, watch and play soccer, eat food and surf the web. He has never watched Star Wars."

It was a cold, dark Monday evening...

The rain was falling. I heard a knock at the front door. Knock. Knock. Knock. I opened the door. Behold, it was a man dressed in a Foxtel jacket.

FOXTEL MAN: Good evening Sir.
ME: G'day... sorry we don't have a TV
FM: You what? You don't have a TV? Are you serious?
ME: Yes.
FM: Why is that?
ME: We don't want one.
FM: [laughing] Then I guess you won't be wanting extra channels!
ME: [also laughing] That's right. Have a good night!

That was 2 days ago. It would have been good if I'd said some of the reasons why we're too busy for a TV... could have lead onto a gospel conversation.

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