Appealing to felt-needs

My question (basically my comment on his blog):
Keeping in mind the "summons of the judge" do you think there's any place for appealing to the felt-needs of the hearer?
1) believing the gospel leads to 'no fear in death'
2) true 'happiness' is found in delighting in God
3) 'meaning' and purpose is in our creator
In Dever's 1st paragraph he seems to suggest that God can use them in convicting someone... but Dever seems to steer away from using them.
Ought we appeal to the felt-needs of our hearers at all? What do you think?
[Prize for guessing the name of the beach in the picture...]
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John Piper is bad - very funny! (h/t thebluefish)
Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:48:00 am
i thought that this post was pretty impressive... heaps smart sounding and all that... so i'm super-surprised to come back a day later and find NO COMMENTS!!!! What's going on!?!?! top