Plankton on Teamwork

Yesterday he posted on some thoughts on teamwork. He has some great reflections on teamwork in the army and for Christians. Here is a snippet:
It's amazing how closely I bonded with the recruits of 16 platoon. We all had a common goal and learnt to work together on any given task and to rely on each other when times were tough... I reflected on this and how we as Christians have a common goal much more profound than that of the Australian Army. We are one in Christ with a common goal to glorify Him and further His kingdom. How much more should we as Christians be sticking together and working as a team!?!Go read the rest here...
Friday, March 02, 2007 3:04:00 pm
What a hunk-a-spunk! top
Friday, March 02, 2007 5:18:00 pm
thank you
(assuming you're referring to the author of this blog) top