eternal weight of glory birthday... sort of

Here are the early posts from May AD2006. The memories.
In this cat-out-of-the-bag post, I outlined four objectives for eternalweightofglory:
Here's a few ground rules for my blog:How do you think I've gone on all 4 of these rules? Leave a rating for each (Concise, Colourful, Original, Insightful) out of 10 in the comments...
>>> Concise - I don't like blogs where the post goes for a few pages
>>> Colourful - put pictures in so it isn't boring and those who can't read will still enjoy the site
>>> Original - I'll try not to just post to other news stories all the time
>>> Insightful - Among other things, I'm keen to talk about youth ministry
My aim over the next year is to talk about Jesus more.
Loyal reader. Thank you.
Friday, May 11, 2007 10:59:00 am
the comments are going off in this section! top
Friday, May 11, 2007 11:04:00 am
for what it's worth here's my assesment:
Concise: 8 out of 10
Colourful: 9 out of 10
Original: 7 out of 10
Insightful: 7 out of 10
>concise - normally pretty bite sized
>colour - this is the best aspect. always sweet pics or colourful things
>original - more often than not it's original... lately i've just linked to things on - this has probably been from time restraints (also it's smart... if i'm writng gear over there... it's killing two blogs with one story!)
>insightful - not bad... could be better.
what do you think?
peaceout top
Friday, May 11, 2007 12:21:00 pm
Happy Blog Birthday - love reading the blog. Keep it up bro. top
Friday, May 11, 2007 1:34:00 pm
thanks sam. top