I'm the Prince of free and legal downloads. (I'd written 'King' but changed it because I'm sure there's people who apply more time and energy and are therefore more deserving of the title!). Row's friend Murray has released a live worship album online for free download under
this Creative Commons license. I've only listened to it once, so I'm not willing to give the album an outright endorsement! But it seems to have some good tunes and the sound & production quality is very good.
Take me in is conveniently found in 1 zip file (lyrics and chord charts are found in the resources page). Have a listen and let me know what you think.
My top 6 free AND legal music download sites:
- music recorded live at mars hill church (gold! i love the brothers of the empty tomb...)
- iTunes have 1 free track per week (this is a regular stop)
- triplejunearthed.com (too much to listen to - I've checked out lots of the Roots gear)
- other triple j free music (particularly during november - ausmusicmonth)
- music.download.com (haven't been there for a while... but got lots!)
- artist's myspace and personal websites (if can't download - you can listen)
Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:48:00 am
My best find of free legal downloads:
Four awesome songs from a Danish Christian Metalcore band. top
Thursday, June 21, 2007 10:06:00 am
Danish Christian Metalcore band
four words i've never seen together before!
thanks for the link top